Learning material integrating the course of International Veterinary Legislation
The learning material is available also in this folder of google drive
Law pills and fundamentals of animal welfare
Presentation, 2022.07.04, Dr.Mariana Roccaro
Article: D.M. Broom, A History of Animal Welfare Science
Article: A. Prunier and coll., Identifying and monitoring pain in farm animals: a review
Animal welfare and biosecurity assesment in ruminant farms
Presentation, 2022.07.05, Dr.Mariana Roccaro
Article: Beaver and coll., A systematic review of the effects of early separation on dairy cow and calf health
Overview of swine sector: farming, legislation and market opportunities
Presentation, 2022.07.06, Dr.Riccardo Panichi
Article: Temple Grandin, Welfare of pigs during transport.pdf
Article: Rioja-Lang and coll., Review of swine transportation research on priority welfare issues: a canadian perspective
Farming global poultry meat sector
Presentation, 2022.07.07, Dr. Nicolò Cinotti
Article: Saatkamp and coll., Development of sustainable business models for insect-fed poultry production: opportunities and risks
Egg supply chain, focus on: market, welfare, legislation and nutrition
Article: Tahamtani and coll., Environmental enrichment in commercial flocks of aviary housed laying hens: relationship with plumage condition and fearfulness
Article: Baker and coll., The Effect of Hard Pecking Enrichment during Rear on Feather Cover, Feather Pecking Behaviour and Beak Length in Beak-Trimmed and Intact-Beak Laying Hen Pullets